We’re offering a COVID Q&A bot that automatically answers questions about the coronavirus outbreak. Learn more JS Widget

Add widget to your website with two lines of Javascript code

<script src=""></script>
<script>Alterra.embedChat( <JSON SETTINGS OBJECT> );</script>


Client ID

At least one of these attributes should be present.

Attribute Type Description
clientId String Client key
facebookPageId String Facebook Page ID

Design and display settings

Customize your widget colors, icon, tooltip text, and more.

Customize Alterra widget colors

Attribute Type Description Default
primaryColor String Primary color (3 or 6-digit hex notation) '#41FFCD'
secondaryColor String Secondary color (3 or 6-digit hex notation) '#00316F'
chatIconUrl String Custom chat icon URL empty
debug Bool Is debug mode on false
tooltipText String Tooltip text for widget button 'Need help?'
popupTimeout int Chat window popup timeout in milliseconds (-1 to disable popup) 20000 (20 sec)
popupDismissalTimeoutDays Number Timeout in days before chat pops up again after being closed by user (-1 to disable dismissal) 14 days
tooltipDisappearanceTimeout Number Time before tooltip’s disappearance in milliseconds (-1 to don’t hide tooltip) 10000 (10 sec)

You can further customize the shape and colors of the Alterra widget by applying additional CSS styles. Contact us at if you need help.

Working hours

You can restrict showing the widget to non-working hours only. To do that, include the working_hours parameter, for example:

{"Monday": [8, 22], "Tuesday": [8, 22], "Wednesday": [8, 22], "Thursday": [8, 22],
 "Friday": [8, 22], "Saturday": [], "Sunday": []}

For every day of week you can provide a pair of integers, start and end working hours. Widget will only be shown outside of this time interval. If a day is omitted, widget is not shown on that day. To show the widget all day specify an empty list. All times are in Pacific Time.

Attribute Type Description Default
title String Chat window title empty
workingHours object Working hours json object (in Pacific time zone) {}

Handover from a bot to an agent

In situations when customers ask to escalate to an agent, you can pass conversations from the bot to agents.

Attribute Type Description Default
operatorFallback String Enable fallback to the chat with human operators. no fallback

Supported values for operatorFallback field:

Value Description
“intercom” Fallback to Intercom chat
“drift” Fallback to Drift chat

Articles that require operator fallback should be marked with action “operator-fallback:true”. Text of the article will be shown in widget history.

Use Web Widget and Facebook Customer plugin together

If you have your Facebook page linked to Alterra FAQ Bot you can use Alterra Web Widget and Facebook Customer plugin together: Alterra Web widget for anonymous users and Facebook Customer plugin for users that logged in Facebook and want to share their contact.

To install both widgets on your website you simply have to:

  1. Include the Facebook JavaScript SDK on the page where the plugin will be rendered.
  2. Provide Facebook Page ID within settings object inside Alterra’s JS Widget code.

To learn more about how to Connect Alterra Answers to your Facebook page check out this guide.