Our NLP Engine is the most accurate on the market and yet is 1,000x faster than recurrent neural networks (RNN).
The team
We are a small but growing team of ML/AI/NLP aficionados hailing from Google, Yandex, and academia.
Members of our team have previous experience with topics ranging from search to natural language processing to data security and encryption; the mathematics of protein folding and drug discovery; transcranial brain stimulation, and Theoretical Physics.
One of us, Dmitry Kondakov, is “the fastest coder in the world” – he won the Topcoder world finals 2018.
Three team members have PhDs in Theoretical Physics, including the company's founder and CEO, Sergei Burkov, an ex-Googler and serial entrepreneur. His previous startup was acquired by Google.
We teach computers to understand humans
Pooling our skills and experiences, we are learning how to teach computers to understand humans.
Star Trek computer is our dream…