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Alterra Search for Zendesk Help Center

Improve your self-service rate with Alterra Search, a cognitive search engine that understands the meaning of user queries and helps your customers effortlessly find relevant answers and resolutions in your Zendesk Help Center.

Why Alterra?

Relevant results for every query

Efficient search is imperative for a good self-service experience. Powered by AI, Alterra Search performs with unparalleled 90% accuracy, while keyword-based search solutions deliver relevant answers in only 25 to 50% of cases.

By better understanding what customers are searching for, Alterra helps you deflect 4x more tickets than the native Zendesk Help Center search.

Happier customers
Improve self-service experience by helping customers to quickly find the information they need

Happier employees
Free up your agents for higher priority, more complex questions

Improved self-service rate
Reduce the number of support tickets and calls to your call center

Lower support costs
Lower your support costs by helping customers help themselves, without engaging your live agents

AI-powered search

Search that goes beyond keyword matching

Alterra Search employs our proprietary Deep Learning-based NLP engine to interpret user queries based on their meaning - not just keywords.

The cognitive search engine improves the accuracy of the default Zendesk search from day one, and gets even smarter and more accurate over time.


AI-powered topic analytics

Alterra offers comprehensive analytics that not only counts pageviews and queries, but also clusters customers’ queries by topic and shows how often people ask about each topic, so you can easily find out what issues your customers encounter most often.

Content syncing

Automatic syncing with Zendesk Guide

Alterra Search pulls information directly from your Zendesk Guide and keeps it in sync automatically so you always have an up-to-date search. You can also manually activate content sync after making significant changes to your knowledge base.

Seamless integration

Preserve the look and feel of your Help Center

Alterra improves accuracy of search in your Zendesk Guide while preserving the look and feel of your Help Center, thus providing better customer service within a familiar user interface.

How to get started?

  • Install Alterra Search app from Zendesk Marketplace, then connect your Zendesk and accounts.

  • Import your knowledge base articles from Zendesk Guide to the Alterra FAQ Editor.

  • Embed Alterra Search into your Zendesk Help Center. View the documentation for a more detailed instruction.

Alterra Answers for Zendesk

Further improve your self-service rate with Alterra Answers, an AI assistant that can automatically resolve up to 20% of your support tickets by finding answers in your Zendesk Guide.

Learn more

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See Alterra Help Center Search in action